Posts by hatsugai
雑誌「固体物理」No.7 (通巻665号)のトピックス欄に助教の溝口知成さんと記事を書きました。溝口知成・初貝安弘 分子軌道表現」を用いた第3種ディラックコーンの統計的構成法。ご覧下さい。
Non-real energies in real world
Our paper on non-real things has been picked up by JPS Hot Topics. It’s real.
Plateau transitions of quantum spin chain
Quantum mechanics tells us particles are waves at the same time. One may then naively expect that the quantum […]
Symmetries and square-root operation
Motivated by the relation between the Dirac/Schrodinger hamiltonians, the square root topological phase (SRTI) […]