Variety and universality of bulk-edge correspondence in topological phases: From solid state physics to transdisciplinary concepts
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Project No.17H06138
Extended 8-th Informal Meeting with invited speakers
March 26, 29, 30 (2021) online (zoom)


Each pdf file is password protected. Contact Y. Hatsugai if you are interested in.

[button size=”small” bg_color=”gray”]Day 1[/button] [button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”Slateblue”]Day 2[/button][button link=”” size=”small” bg_color=”Slateblue”]Day 3[/button]

Day 1 (March 29, 2021)

Session 1 (Chair: A. Kimura)

9:00-9:30 Yasuhiro Hatsugai (U. Tsukuba) (Project)
“Science of Bulk-Edge Correspondence” (free access)
9:30-10:00 Tohru Kawarabayashi (Toho U.) (Project)
“Bulk versus Edge States under Generalized Chiral Symmetry”
10:00-10:40 Satoshi Iwamoto (U. Tokyo) (Project)
“Topological photonics in various dimensions”


Session 2 (Chair: T. Fukui)

10:50-11:30 Masaya Notomi (NTT/Tokto Inst. Tech.) (Guest, invited)
“Reconfigurable topological nanophotonics and topological singular points”
11:30-11:50 Natsuko Ishida (U. Tokto) (Invited short)
“Analysis of a single-mode array laser based on a topological edge state”
11:50-12:10 Shun Takahashi (Kyoto Inst. Tech.) (Invited short)
“Microwave observation of an optical Weyl point and topological surface states in a chiral photonic crystal”
12:10-12:30 Kenichiro Imura (Hiroshima U.) (Invited short)
“Bulk-edge correspondence in non-Hermitian topological systems with non-reciprocal hopping”