Z3 Berry phases for quantum spins

Z3 Berry phases for quantum spins

Z3 Berry phases for XXZ quantum spins on Kagome lattice are calculated by the quantum Monte Carlo method under a condition with fixed magnetization. The phase diagram of the model is discussed by usin...
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Non-uniform flux and particle blocking

Non-uniform flux and particle blocking

Spatial variation of physical parameters may induce rich phenomena, which can only be realized in artificial structures by meta-materials and cold atoms. Non-uniform flux associated with particle bloc...
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数理科学 2024年5月号 No.731 (リンク) トポロジカル物質の物理と数理 トポロジーが拓く物質科学の新地平 に記事を書きました。図書館等にてご覧下さい。 量子ホール効果からトポロジカル絶縁体へ ~ トポロジカル相の物理のはじまり ~ 初貝安弘
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Our new member, Kazuki Sone, will tell us on edge states of non-linear systems

We have a new member, Kazuki Sone (Assistant Prof.) from this April. He will be telling us on his series of works on edge states of non-linear systems. Onsite, 15:00-16:00, D301, Univ. Tsukuba (link!)...
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Bulk-edge correspondence for energy dependent systems/nonlinear eigen value problems

Bulk-edge correspondence for energy dependent systems/nonlinear eigen value problems

The recent development of a topological description of matter, especially for classical systems, is based on the formal analogy to quantum mechanics. The differential equation governing the classical ...
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日本物理学会 2024年春季大会

講演番号 登録番号 タイトル 著者 所属 領域 18pD1-4 540 固有値の非線形性に誘起される例外点 磯部拓磨, 吉田恒也A, 初貝安弘 筑波大数理, 京大理A 領域4 18pD1-5 112 判別式による例外点の特徴付け 吉田恒也, 奥川亮A, 初貝安弘B 京大理, 東理大先進工A, 筑波大数理B 領域4 19pL2-4 744 J1-J2鎖におけるひねり下でのギャップクロージングとBer...
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SKCM² Spring Symposium: Nara, Japan

SKCM² Spring Symposium: Nara, Japan

Invited Talk: Yasuhiro Hatsugai, "Bulk-edge correspondence for topological materials : Experimental access to linking", WPI-SKCM² Spring Symposium, March 8 - 10 (2024), Nara, Japan
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APS March meeting 2024

American Physical Society March Meeting, March 3 - 8, 2024 Minneapolis & Virtual Quantitative characterization of flat band states in a molecular orbital model via hyperuniformity Thu. March 7, 5:...
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Bulk-edge correspondence (Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.)

Bulk-edge correspondence (Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.)

I wrote a chapter on the bulk-edge correspondence in Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.,Volume 1, 2024, Pages 659-669, Its abstract is free.
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TTQM2023 Kashiwa

TTQM2023 Kashiwa

We are organizing TTQM2023 (Trends in the Theory of Quantum Materials) as a continuation of the Japan-Swiss bilateral workshop for mainly theoretical condensed matter physicists. It is at Kashiwa this...
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20年ぶりに物性若手夏の学校で話をしました。残念ながら台風でオンラインとなりました。 New講義ノートNew手書きの補足 第68回(2023年)物性若手夏の学校 集中ゼミ   「幾何学的位相とゲージ場」 初貝 安弘 電磁気学の点電荷は基本的ですが、点磁化(単磁極)は未だ観測されていません。しかし理論的には、その存在は何ら否定されるものではなく、ディラックによると素電荷と”素磁化”の積はプ...
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日本物理学会第78回年次大会 9/16-9/19(2023年)東北大学、仙台

  講演番号 登録番号 タイトル 著者 所属 領域 17aA106-5 1545 間接的バルク境界対応による非線形固有値問題の解析 磯部拓磨, 吉田恒也A, 初貝安弘 筑波大数理, 京大理A 領域4 17pPSA-44 1787 ランダム分子軌道モデルのフラットバンド状態の波動関数に対する超一様性の解析 黒田匠, 溝口知成, 初貝安弘 筑波大数理 領域11 18aB203-3 373 異...
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Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves

Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves

I have written an article for JPSJ News & Comments. Have a look at "Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves." See also old ones. "Y. Hatsugai, News Comments 20, 10 (20...
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Shiro Sakai will tell us on hyperuniformity !

Shiro Sakai will tell us on hyperuniformity !

Shiri Sakai (CEMS, RIKEN) will be telling us on their recent works on the hyperuniformity and quasi-crystals. It's a new idea. The talk is on Aug. 30 (Wed). See for its detail. Come and join us.
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Heat carrying corner states of breathing Kagome

Heat carrying corner states of breathing Kagome

Heat conduction of the breathing Kagome lattice is discussed in relation to the anomalous heat-carrying corner states due to higher-order topology. Especially the use of the effective Hamiltonian for ...
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Z2× Z2 symmetry and Z4 quantization in bosonic ladders

Z2× Z2 symmetry and Z4 quantization in bosonic ladders

A two-leg ladder is a nice place to discuss Z2× Z2 symmetry with sufficient numerical accuracy. Using a Z4 Berry phases, several phases of bosonic ladders are discussed in relation to the bulk-edge co...
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Hidenori Fukaya will be telling us on dyon & topological insulators

Hidenori Fukaya will be telling us on dyon & topological insulators

Condensed Matter Seminar 物性論セミナー 2023年6月29日 (木), June29 (Thu.) 2023 10:30-11:30 Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88914003345?pwd=S096bldkZkd6QTNSL2h2WTl3d0RSdz09 Meeting ID: 889 1400 3345 Passcode: 6625...
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Negative index photonic crystal induces non hermitian physics

Negative index photonic crystal induces non hermitian physics

An electromagnetic field in a photonic crystal is described by a hermitian eigenvalue problem with an overlap matrix which may not be positive definite if the system is composed of negative index medi...
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Diophantine equation of SU(Q) topological pump

Diophantine equation of SU(Q) topological pump

A topological pump of SU(Q) interacting fermions is proposed based on Affleck's SU(Q) quantum chains associated with a symmetric breaking term characterized by a parameter P/Q with co-prime intege...
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