Z3 Berry phases for quantum spins

Z3 Berry phases for quantum spins

Z3 Berry phases for XXZ quantum spins on Kagome lattice are calculated by the quantum Monte Carlo method under a condition with fixed magnetization. The phase diagram of the model is discussed by usin...
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Non-uniform flux and particle blocking

Non-uniform flux and particle blocking

Spatial variation of physical parameters may induce rich phenomena, which can only be realized in artificial structures by meta-materials and cold atoms. Non-uniform flux associated with particle bloc...
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Our new member, Kazuki Sone, will tell us on edge states of non-linear systems

We have a new member, Kazuki Sone (Assistant Prof.) from this April. He will be telling us on his series of works on edge states of non-linear systems. Onsite, 15:00-16:00, D301, Univ. Tsukuba (link!)...
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Bulk-edge correspondence for energy dependent systems/nonlinear eigen value problems

Bulk-edge correspondence for energy dependent systems/nonlinear eigen value problems

The recent development of a topological description of matter, especially for classical systems, is based on the formal analogy to quantum mechanics. The differential equation governing the classical ...
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SKCM² Spring Symposium: Nara, Japan

SKCM² Spring Symposium: Nara, Japan

Invited Talk: Yasuhiro Hatsugai, "Bulk-edge correspondence for topological materials : Experimental access to linking", WPI-SKCM² Spring Symposium, March 8 - 10 (2024), Nara, Japan
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APS March meeting 2024

American Physical Society March Meeting, March 3 - 8, 2024 Minneapolis & Virtual Quantitative characterization of flat band states in a molecular orbital model via hyperuniformity Thu. March 7, 5:...
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Bulk-edge correspondence (Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.)

Bulk-edge correspondence (Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.)

I wrote a chapter on the bulk-edge correspondence in Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.,Volume 1, 2024, Pages 659-669, Its abstract is free.
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TTQM2023 Kashiwa

TTQM2023 Kashiwa

We are organizing TTQM2023 (Trends in the Theory of Quantum Materials) as a continuation of the Japan-Swiss bilateral workshop for mainly theoretical condensed matter physicists. It is at Kashiwa this...
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The Physical Society of Japan, Annual meeting 9/16-9/19 (2023), Tohoku Univ.

Japan Physical Society Annual meeting 9/16-9/19 (2023)
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Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves

Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves

I have written an article for JPSJ News & Comments. Have a look at "Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves." See also old ones. "Y. Hatsugai, News Comments 20, 10 (20...
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Shiro Sakai will tell us on hyperuniformity !

Shiro Sakai will tell us on hyperuniformity !

Shiri Sakai (CEMS, RIKEN) will be telling us on their recent works on the hyperuniformity and quasi-crystals. It's a new idea. The talk is on Aug. 30 (Wed). See for its detail. Come and join us.
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Heat carrying corner states of breathing Kagome

Heat carrying corner states of breathing Kagome

Heat conduction of the breathing Kagome lattice is discussed in relation to the anomalous heat-carrying corner states due to higher-order topology. Especially the use of the effective Hamiltonian for ...
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Z2× Z2 symmetry and Z4 quantization in bosonic ladders

Z2× Z2 symmetry and Z4 quantization in bosonic ladders

A two-leg ladder is a nice place to discuss Z2× Z2 symmetry with sufficient numerical accuracy. Using a Z4 Berry phases, several phases of bosonic ladders are discussed in relation to the bulk-edge co...
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Hidenori Fukaya will be telling us on dyon & topological insulators

Hidenori Fukaya will be telling us on dyon & topological insulators

Condensed Matter Seminar June 29 (Thu.) 2023 10:30-11:30 Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88914003345?pwd=S096bldkZkd6QTNSL2h2WTl3d0RSdz09 Meeting ID: 889 1400 3345 Passcode: 662572 Title:Why monopole b...
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Negative index photonic crystal induces non hermitian physics

Negative index photonic crystal induces non hermitian physics

An electromagnetic field in a photonic crystal is described by a hermitian eigenvalue problem with an overlap matrix which may not be positive definite if the system is composed of negative index medi...
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Diophantine equation of SU(Q) topological pump

Diophantine equation of SU(Q) topological pump

A topological pump of SU(Q) interacting fermions is proposed based on Affleck's SU(Q) quantum chains associated with a symmetric breaking term characterized by a parameter P/Q with co-prime intege...
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Funding 2023

KAKEN KAKEN DB Yasuhiro Hatsugai Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B): Symmetry and bulk-edge correspondence of strongly correlated systems Project/Area Number: 23H01091 JPY 13,260,000 (Direct Cos...
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JPS Spring Meeting 2023

Meeting site
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APS March meeting 2023

APS March meeting, March 5–10, 2023 | Las Vegas, Nevada March 20–22, 2023 | Virtual Emergence of the non-Hermitian topology in generalized eigenvalue problems with Hermitian matrices Mon. March 6, 11:...
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Graphene, silicene and martini

Graphene, silicene and martini

Chemisorption on graphene and silicene may realize Martini type π-electron network. It implies specific band dispersion. We propose potential materialization by using the molecular orbital constr...
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