Z3 Berry phases for quantum spins

Z3 Berry phases for quantum spins

Z3 Berry phases for XXZ quantum spins on Kagome lattice are calculated by the quantum Monte Carlo method under a condition with fixed magnetization. The phase diagram of the model is discussed by usin...
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Non-uniform flux and particle blocking

Non-uniform flux and particle blocking

Spatial variation of physical parameters may induce rich phenomena, which can only be realized in artificial structures by meta-materials and cold atoms. Non-uniform flux associated with particle bloc...
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数理科学 2024年5月号 No.731 (リンク) トポロジカル物質の物理と数理 トポロジーが拓く物質科学の新地平 に記事を書きました。図書館等にてご覧下さい。 量子ホール効果からトポロジカル絶縁体へ ~ トポロジカル相の物理のはじまり ~ 初貝安弘
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Bulk-edge correspondence for energy dependent systems/nonlinear eigen value problems

Bulk-edge correspondence for energy dependent systems/nonlinear eigen value problems

The recent development of a topological description of matter, especially for classical systems, is based on the formal analogy to quantum mechanics. The differential equation governing the classical ...
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Bulk-edge correspondence (Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.)

Bulk-edge correspondence (Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.)

I wrote a chapter on the bulk-edge correspondence in Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, 2nd Ed.,Volume 1, 2024, Pages 659-669, Its abstract is free.
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Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves

Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves

I have written an article for JPSJ News & Comments. Have a look at "Nontrivial Topology of Nontopological Nonlinear Waves." See also old ones. "Y. Hatsugai, News Comments 20, 10 (20...
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Heat carrying corner states of breathing Kagome

Heat carrying corner states of breathing Kagome

Heat conduction of the breathing Kagome lattice is discussed in relation to the anomalous heat-carrying corner states due to higher-order topology. Especially the use of the effective Hamiltonian for ...
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Z2× Z2 symmetry and Z4 quantization in bosonic ladders

Z2× Z2 symmetry and Z4 quantization in bosonic ladders

A two-leg ladder is a nice place to discuss Z2× Z2 symmetry with sufficient numerical accuracy. Using a Z4 Berry phases, several phases of bosonic ladders are discussed in relation to the bulk-edge co...
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Negative index photonic crystal induces non hermitian physics

Negative index photonic crystal induces non hermitian physics

An electromagnetic field in a photonic crystal is described by a hermitian eigenvalue problem with an overlap matrix which may not be positive definite if the system is composed of negative index medi...
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Diophantine equation of SU(Q) topological pump

Diophantine equation of SU(Q) topological pump

A topological pump of SU(Q) interacting fermions is proposed based on Affleck's SU(Q) quantum chains associated with a symmetric breaking term characterized by a parameter P/Q with co-prime intege...
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Graphene, silicene and martini

Graphene, silicene and martini

Chemisorption on graphene and silicene may realize Martini type π-electron network. It implies specific band dispersion. We propose potential materialization by using the molecular orbital constr...
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Array of Martini glasses with topology

Array of Martini glasses with topology

Taking a square root is not trivial. The Dirac equation is invented by the square root of the Kleind-Gordon equation. Then the lattice analog of the operation implies non-trivial topology and edge/cor...
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Novel critical states in random U(1) MO models in 2D

Novel critical states in random U(1) MO models in 2D

Using a molecular orbital (MO) construction scheme of the flat band which we are proposing, we found novel random critical states in a series of flat band systems away from the flat band energy. The M...
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Topological strucure can be fragile against interactions

Topological strucure can be fragile against interactions

Topological protection of singularities for the non-Hermitian problem is one of the recent focuses in condensed matter physics. Exceptional points and rings with symmetry constraints are typical examp...
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Reduction of non-Hermitian 1D topology with interaction

Reduction of non-Hermitian 1D topology with interaction

Topological protection for topological systems may change by the inclusion of particle-particle interaction, which is known as "reduction phenomena." Here we have pointed out its possibiliti...
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Bulk-edge correspondence in electric circuits of topological pump

Bulk-edge correspondence in electric circuits of topological pump

One of the recent wisdom for topological phases is the use of a classical system as a quantum simulator. The Hofstadter butterfly associated with topological phase transitions is realized in electric ...
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Adiabatic connection with spin

Adiabatic connection with spin

Adiabatic connection of the gapped many-body states is a conceptual background of the topological phases. Historical and more than successful examples are given by various fractional quantum Hall stat...
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“b 2– 4 ac” formula with rotation symmetry

“b 2– 4 ac” formula with rotation symmetry

The discriminant is a generalization of the "b 2- 4 ac" formula that everybody knows, which tells us the degeneracy of the (secular) equation. Then it is natural the discriminant is useful f...
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Random flatbands are special

Random flatbands are special

Recent wisdom for the construction of flat bands is applicable even with randomness. Characterization of special features of the random flat bands has been successfully done by using machine learning....
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Heat escapes fast due to bulk-edge correspondence

Heat escapes fast due to bulk-edge correspondence

Analyzing a diffusion equation of alternative metals, rapid heat conduction to the heat bath due to edge states is predicted. The edge states are predicted by the bulk topological invariant as a typic...
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