To congratulate 2010 Nobel prize in physics by A.Geim & K. Noboselov, we remind the APS synopses about the graphene. ] One of our recent papers has been picked up by the synopses of the APS site. The rules of disorder

Springer has made a special issue on graphene access free, in which we also wrote a paper on topological aspects of graphene. Have a look at !  The European Physical Journal – Special Topics 

Our recent paper on the graphene and the chiral symmetry is published in Physical Review B [Phys. Rev. B] , [virtual journal]

I talked on graphene at JAFoS2010, Dec 12, 2010 [JAFoS2010]

We have wrote a paper on anomalous properties of a single Dirac fermion which carries half odd integer Chern number. It is directly related to the half off integer Hall conductance of the single Dirac fermion which is realized at the surfaces of the 3D topological insulator. [Phys. Rev. B (RC)] , [cond-mat]