- Yoshiyuki Matsuki (Osaka University), Nov. 26 (2021)
- “Multipole moments and fractional corner charges of insulating materials”
- Haruki Watanabe (University of Tokyo), Dec. 25 (2020)
- “Multipole moments and fractional corner charges of insulating materials”
- Kaoru Mizuta (Kyoto University), Dec. 18 (2020)
- “Liouvillianity breaking in interacting Floquet-Lindblad systems under high-frequency drive”
- Pierre Delplace (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon), Feb. 27 (2020)
- “Topological waves from condensed matter to the atmosphere”
- Yuichi Otsuka (RIKEN), Dec. 18 (2019)
- “QMC Study of quantum criticality in 2D interacting Dirac fermions”
- Kyogo Kawaguchi, (RIKEN), Dec. 11 (2019)
- “Collective cell dynamics and topology”
- Ryo Okugawa (WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.), Sep. 18 (2019)
- “Chiral-symmetry protected second-order topological phases”
- Hideo Aoki (Univ. Tokyo / AIST), Aug. 8 (2019)
- “Design of superconducting and topological properties in flat-band systems “
- Jyong-Hao Chen (ETH, PSI & ISSP), June 19 (2019)
- “Model of spin liquids with Abelian and non-Abelian topological phases”
- S.Hoshino (Saitama Univ.), May 15 (2019)
- “Spectral bulk-boundary correspondence and topological criticality in chiral-symmetric superconductors”
- Nobuyuki Okuma (Kyoto Univ.), Dec. 19 (2018)
- “Real-Space Topological Classification: Higher-order topology and Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence”
- Shuntaro Sumita (Kyoto Univ.), Nov. 28 (2018)
- “Classification of topological crystalline superconducting nodes on high-symmetry axis”
- Yuto Ashida (Univ. of Tokyo), Sep. 26 (2018)
- “Quantum many-body physics in open systems: measurement and strong correlation”
- Zongping Gong (Univ. of Tokyo), July 11 (2018)
- “Topological Phases of Non-Hermitian Systems”
- Nobuyuki Yoshioka (Univ. of Tokyo), June 13 (2018)
- “Machine Learning Disordered Topological Phases by Statistical Recovery of Symmetry”
- Atsuo Shitade (RIKEN, CEMS), May 30 (2018)
- “Theory of Orbital Magnetic Quadrupole Moment and Magnetoelectric Susceptibility”
- Michel Fruchart (Instituut-Lorentz Universiteit, Leiden), Jan.9 (2018)
- “Topology of effective evolutions: oriented scattering networks and the phase rotation symmetry”
- Chirstopher Mudry (Paul Scherrer Institute), Dec.28 (2017)
- “Abelian topological order in three-dimensional space”
- Nobuyuki Okuma (Univ. Tokyo), Dec.8 (2017)
- “Search for singular spin structures in momentum space based on orbifolds”