Posts by hatsugai
Orbital magnetism and quantum geometry: Talk by Frédéric Piéchon
We will have a guest, Prof. Frédéric Piéchon (Université Paris-Saclay). He will tell us a […]
Kagome lattice is chiral symmetric
Chiral symmetry in condensed matter physics implies the sublattice symmetry (as far as the one-particle hoppin […]
Exceptional points of metamaterials induced by nonlinearity of eigenvalues
Exceptional points (Eps) are common in metamaterials if one generically considers nonlinearity of eigenvalues […]
Recent progress in Quantum Computing: Talk by Nobuyuki Yoshioka
We will have a guest, Prof. Nobuyuki Yoshioka (Univ. Tokyo). He will tell us about “Recent progress in Q […]