- NextInvited Talk, Yasuhiro Hatsugai, “Topological Science, Personal perspective: Bulk-edge correspondence”, Kickoff meeting of Research Center for Organic-Inorganic Quantum Spin Science and Technology (ISQQM), Tsukuba, Dec.9(2024)
- Non-Hermitian topology, geometry and symmetry across physical platforms: September 3 – October 11, 2024, The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (U.S.A.)
- TTQM2024(Trends in the theory of quantum materials), June 17-19 (2024), Fribourg, Switzerland
- The Physical Societry of Japan, 2024 Spring Meeting, Online. March 18-21 (2024)
- Invited Talk: Yasuhiro Hatsugai, “Bulk-edge correspondence for topological materials : Experimental access to linking”, WPI-SKCM² Spring Symposium, March 8 – 10 (2024), Nara, Japan
- APS March meeting, March 3 – 8 (2024), Minneapolis, USA
- TTQM2023 (Trends in the theory of quantum materials), Oct. 15-18 (2023) Kashiwa, Tokyo
- Next[/su_label]Invited talk @ Technion, Celebrating Joshua Zak, Haifa, Israel, May 15-18 (2023)
- The Physical Societry of Japan, 2023 Spring Meeting, Online. March 22-25 (2023)
- APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 5-10, Virtual, March 20-22 (2023)
- Japan-Swiss meeting, Trends in the Theory of Quantum Materials 2022 (TTQM2022), ETH, Zurich, Oct. 1-Nov. 2 (2022)
- Invited talk, JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022, Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Sep.20-23 (2022)
- JPS 2022 Autumn Meeting, Tokyo Inst. Technology, Tokyo, Sep.12-15 (2022)
- Localisation 2022, Aug.25-30 (2022)
- The 15the Asia-Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15), Aug.21-26 (2022)
- International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, LT29, Aug.18-24 (2022)
- Invited talk, A3 Metamaterials Forum, hybrid, Seoul National Univ., Korea, June 27-29 (2022)
- The Physical Societry of Japan, Annual Meeting, Okayama Univ. March 15-19 (2022)
- APS March Meeting, Chicago, March 14-18 (2022)
- Bulk-Edge/Boundary-Correspondence-2022 (BE/BC2022), Feb. 11-13 (2022)
- EP2DS-24/MSS-20 (online), Oct.31-Nov.5 (2021)
- Invited talk @ “Theoretical studies of topological phases of matter”, YITP, Kyoto, Oct.18(Mon)-22(Fri)(2021)
- Invited talk @ “International Conference on Discrete Geometric Analysis for Materials Design”,Online, Sep.26(Sun)-29(Wed)(2021)
- Invited talk @ IBS Workshop “Progress in Flatband physics: symmetries, disorder, many-body interactions and thermalisation“, IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Daejeon, Korea, online, Aug.16-20(2021)
- KITP program (TOPOLOGY21), “Interacting Topological Matter: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Systems” @ KITP (Zoom), Santa Barbara, June 1- Aug.13 (2021), 8-10 AM California time.
- Invited talk @ “Topological charge and spin pumping with synthetic quantum systems”, (zoom) Munich, May 21st from 7am-noon GMT (2021)
- 8-th Informal Meeting “Universality of bulk-edge correspondnce”, zoom, March 29-31 (2021)
- APS March Meeting, March 3.15 (Mon)-19(Fri) (2021)
- 76-th JPS Anual meeting, March 3.12 (Fri)-15(Mon) (2021)
- BEC seminar: Prof. Haruki Watanabe (Univ. Tokyo), 13:00-14:00, Dec.25 (2020)
- BEC seminar: Kaoru Mizuta (Kyoto Univ.), 14:00-15:00, Dec.18 (2020)
- Focus lecture, Nagoya Univ., Dec.14-16 (2020)
- JPS Fall meeting, Sep.8-11 (2020)